the locker

A space where students in middleschool and highschool hang up their coats, backpacks, and store items such as books or extra pencils. On lockers, there are combinations, made up of numbers, that need to be turned in the right order in order to open the locker. Lockers, although reasonably tall, are too thin, so you have to squish your backpack and jacket into them and hope you can close your locker door. Students visit their lockers several times in between classes to get books, binders, and other materials for different classes. In a large school, there are over a thousand lockers in the building, many of which are right next to each other in hallways.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to the locker. Some of the top words include: zipper, The Side, shelf, broken condom, cafegymatorium, and 25 more.